LouisY55: Maman...
LouisY55: Geese eggs - Oeufs de Bernache
LouisY55: Twins - Jumeaux
LouisY55: Duck (Mud Lake, Ottawa)
LouisY55: Chickadee (Mud Lake, Ottawa)
LouisY55: Hello!
LouisY55: Je prends mon bain - Taking a bath
LouisY55: Salut Pipo, c'est moi ton cousin d'Ottawa
LouisY55: Hey don't come closer.... or I'll bite you.
LouisY55: Beautiful duck - Beau canard
LouisY55: Mud Lake (Ottawa) #2
LouisY55: Mud Lake (Ottawa) #3
LouisY55: Mud Lake (Ottawa) #4
LouisY55: Mud Lake (Ottawa) #5
LouisY55: J'ai faim - I'm hungry
LouisY55: Muskrat - Rat musqué
LouisY55: Heron (Mud Lake, Ottawa) - Bihoreau gris
LouisY55: Sittelle a poitrine blanche - White-breasted Nuthatch
LouisY55: Sittelle a poitrine blanche - White-breasted Nuthatch
LouisY55: Let's dance the Twist - Dansons le twist
LouisY55: Bébé Bernache - Baby Geese
LouisY55: Bébé Bernache - Baby Geese
LouisY55: Where is the rest of my family?
LouisY55: At Mud Lake (Ottawa)