_Louis_: VVO
_Louis_: bad hair day
_Louis_: river scene3
_Louis_: last break for freedom
_Louis_: The Thames - a dead pub
_Louis_: Silhouettes Deptford2
_Louis_: GreatCourt up flank angle
_Louis_: rock and sky at Llundudno
_Louis_: Alhambra fountain detail
_Louis_: Alhambra summer garden
_Louis_: Llundudno
_Louis_: stormsriviermond
_Louis_: GerickesPunt
_Louis_: Decay3
_Louis_: Thinker-BW_filtered
_Louis_: himalayas@35K_feet3
_Louis_: island_in_the_sun
_Louis_: dhoni_and_crew
_Louis_: pensive couple2
_Louis_: mysterious multi-fingered waterflow BW
_Louis_: helse plek
_Louis_: daffodil up close
_Louis_: snowshill
_Louis_: wet orchid detail
_Louis_: pink orchid detail
_Louis_: Francois-don't-jump2
_Louis_: Gerrie pens
_Louis_: Tafelberg panorama
_Louis_: Rotsgleuf
_Louis_: Llundudno break