Louisiana National Guard: Glad to be Home 111123-F-VU198-449
Louisiana National Guard: LANG 415th Welcome Home 111123-F-VU198-334
Louisiana National Guard: LANG Welcome Home 111123-F-VU198-244
Louisiana National Guard: LANG Welcomes home 415th 111123-F-VU198-196
Louisiana National Guard: Welcome home 415th 111123-F-VU198-192
Louisiana National Guard: TAG welcomes the 415th 111123-F-VU198-125
Louisiana National Guard: Gov. Jindal Welcomes 415th 111123-F-VU198-115
Louisiana National Guard: Welcome Home 415th111123-F-VU198-107
Louisiana National Guard: Welcome Home 415th 111123-F-VU198-055
Louisiana National Guard: Welcome Home 415th 111123-F-VU198-035
Louisiana National Guard: Welcome Home 415th 111123-F-VU198-008