Louis George 2011: Tourist couple at Quagga
Louis George 2011: Tough guys in Long Street
Louis George 2011: Margot reading NYRB
Louis George 2011: Neil being Father Xmas
Louis George 2011: Blue. Loch End, Plettenberg Bay, January 1980
Louis George 2011: Tani. Loch End, Plettenberg Bay, January 1980
Louis George 2011: Reading brings light. Bo Kaap, Cape Town. Mid 1970s.
Louis George 2011: Reader of books in Greenmarket Square, Cape Town
Louis George 2011: Collector of old clothes
Louis George 2011: Long Street party celebrating World Cup draw, 2009
Louis George 2011: MJ confronts our ancestors
Louis George 2011: Bridget at hatstall in Cuenca
Louis George 2011: MJ at Tankwa Karoo 2007
Louis George 2011: In the Venda "Bantustan", late 1980s.
Louis George 2011: Public transport by bus, Durban. December 2011
Louis George 2011: Umgeni Road, Durban
Louis George 2011: Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens
Louis George 2011: Tuckshop at Ntwetwe health centre IV, Kyankwanzi district
Louis George 2011: Oats & yoghurt for breakfast
Louis George 2011: During home renovations
Louis George 2011: Gweta, Botswana
Louis George 2011: Bo Kaap restaurant
Louis George 2011: Ta with her recorder. Early 1980s
Louis George 2011: Auntie Beatrice at Loch End
Louis George 2011: Woman with straw hat, Cape Town, 15 February 2003
Louis George 2011: Two children play in the Bo-Kaap, Cape Town. Mid 1970s.
Louis George 2011: Neil at the Ferryman, Waterfront, Cape Town
Louis George 2011: Picnic lunch
Louis George 2011: Boat instructor, Castelnaudary, 2006