louisemarston: B340 - B Type bus
louisemarston: B340 - B Type bus
louisemarston: The lower deck of the Battle Bus. Much lighter than when I was last in here as the paint has been taken off the windows (planks remain though)
louisemarston: The view into the depot from the top deck of the Battle Bus
louisemarston: That violent? Sign on the upper deck of the Battle Bus
louisemarston: The upper deck of the Battle Bus
louisemarston: Battle Bus personnel uniform
louisemarston: Fictitious tube station Abbey Road
louisemarston: Fictitious tube station Abbey Road
louisemarston: Moquette on tube trains at the London Transport Museum Depot
louisemarston: Moquette on tube trains at the London Transport Museum Depot
louisemarston: Misha Black
louisemarston: 1927 Standard Stock tube car number 3327
louisemarston: 1927 Standard Stock tube car number 3327
louisemarston: Moquette from a prototype tube train. It was never brought into service
louisemarston: A prototype tube train. It was never brought into service
louisemarston: Brush on the Sleet Train
louisemarston: Roundel
louisemarston: The view of the depot from the mezzanine
louisemarston: The Battle Bus
louisemarston: RM1 - a beautiful bus
louisemarston: AEC Regent III RT1700
louisemarston: The Battle Bus being pushed back into the London Transport Museum Depot at the end of the Open Day
louisemarston: B340 - B Type bus
louisemarston: The Battle Bus back in the London Transport Musem Depot after being out for the day for people to view
louisemarston: Battle Bus headlight with mud from the Somme and Beamish Museum
louisemarston: Battle Bus light