louisemarston: I waited hours to photograph this table without people round it last year. No wait at all this year https://www.flickr.com/photos/louisemarston/8846382418/in/set-72157633693466934
louisemarston: I waited hours to photograph this table without people round it last year. No wait at all this year https://www.flickr.com/photos/louisemarston/8846382418/in/set-72157633693466934
louisemarston: Oak mushroom
louisemarston: Tom Hare's willow mushrooms which featured in Kew Gardens during 2013
louisemarston: Male golden pheasant
louisemarston: Immature pine cones
louisemarston: The Healing Giant from the pagoda
louisemarston: The Japanese Garden from the pagoda
louisemarston: The Temperate House from the pagoda
louisemarston: Part of the Healing Giant
louisemarston: Part of the Healing Giant
louisemarston: The pagoda and Healing Giant
louisemarston: The Temperate House - currently undergoing major renovations
louisemarston: The Temperate House - currently undergoing major renovations
louisemarston: Lily close up
louisemarston: This tree must think it is winter
louisemarston: Chainsaw sheep
louisemarston: Palm House at dusk