louisemarston: The Olympic Stadium and a bridge
louisemarston: Flowers on the Olympic Park
louisemarston: Telephone Box art in the London 2012 Olympic Park
louisemarston: Telephone Box art in the London 2012 Olympic Park
louisemarston: Mandeville
louisemarston: The Three Agitos
louisemarston: Telephone Box art in the London 2012 Olympic Park
louisemarston: Telephone Box art in the London 2012 Olympic Park
louisemarston: Telephone Box art in the London 2012 Olympic Park
louisemarston: This is how javelins get back to the start
louisemarston: Nikol Rodomakina (who won gold)
louisemarston: Carlee Beattie (who won silver)
louisemarston: Ben Rushgrove
louisemarston: Graeme Ballard (he won silver)
louisemarston: Mandy Francois-Elie (Fra) and Johanna Benson (Nam)
louisemarston: Nikol Rodomakina (who won gold)
louisemarston: Discus for those with virtually no sight...
louisemarston: Leo Pekka Tahti (Fin) and Kenny van Weeghel (Ned)
louisemarston: The final of the men's T13 400m
louisemarston: Before the T43/ T44 200m final
louisemarston: Oscar Pistorias before the T43/ T44 200m final
louisemarston: Before the T43/ T44 200m final
louisemarston: The bend of the T43/ T44 200m final
louisemarston: Interesting patterns. Very mathematical
louisemarston: David Weir, winner of the T54 5000m
louisemarston: David Weir, winner of the T54 5000m
louisemarston: David Weir, winner of the T54 5000m
louisemarston: David Weir, winner of the T54 5000m
louisemarston: Strange, tall, pointy structure outside the O2
louisemarston: This building houses Costa Coffee outside the O2