louisemarston: The front of Mansion House before the parade started
louisemarston: Cool uniforms
louisemarston: There is always a small minority
louisemarston: Gog Magog
louisemarston: This furry air ambulance would be too big for my bed!
louisemarston: The Visit India float
louisemarston: Look AA what I spotted
louisemarston: Clare Balding walking back to Mansion House to do her next interview
louisemarston: More cool uniforms
louisemarston: Elaborate costumes
louisemarston: The Greater London West Girlguiding UK float (and plod)
louisemarston: Pimlico Plumbers have some cool number plates
louisemarston: Philippines Tourism
louisemarston: The gate to the bin area in Borough Market
louisemarston: Neal's Yard Dairy shop at Borough Market
louisemarston: Malcolm Grant's riverside home?
louisemarston: The current exhibition in the Turbine Room of the Tate Modern
louisemarston: A little house close to the Tate Modern
louisemarston: Lights and autumn leaves on the southbank
louisemarston: The Lord Mayor's firework display from the Thames
louisemarston: The Lego Christmas tree at St Pancras International
louisemarston: The Lego Christmas tree at St Pancras International
louisemarston: The Lego Christmas tree at St Pancras International
louisemarston: Wonder what is that way which is only for luggage and children
louisemarston: 88 Wood Street, London
louisemarston: 88 Wood Street, London
louisemarston: Smithfield Market
louisemarston: Smithfield Market
louisemarston: Wall art at LSE
louisemarston: Penguin at LSE