louisemarston: Crystal Palace stadium before the action started
louisemarston: Not sure what he was doing to the triple jump pit
louisemarston: He took part in the under 20s 3000 metres and pulled up on the last bend.
louisemarston: Taking the barrier in the men's 3000m steeplechase
louisemarston: Taking the barrier in the men's 3000m steeplechase
louisemarston: Colin Jackson and Denise Lewis getting ready to broadcast on the BBC
louisemarston: Iwan Thomas getting ready to be trackside compere
louisemarston: The winner in the women's triple jump
louisemarston: John Inverdale joins Colin and Denise on the BBC
louisemarston: Andy Turner getting ready for the 110 metres hurdles
louisemarston: The first hurdle in the 110 metres hurdles
louisemarston: Chris Tomlinson
louisemarston: The 100 metres start (first heat)
louisemarston: Mmmmm good six pack Chris
louisemarston: Greg Rutherford
louisemarston: Chris Tomlinson