Louise.: Angled
Louise.: Bus
Louise.: My house.
Louise.: Into town traffic this morning.
Louise.: Boring photo.
Louise.: Puma.
Louise.: Shoe shopping (at last)
Louise.: Crocs are they Ultra Hip???
Louise.: Soccer bag.
Louise.: She is so embarrassed!
Louise.: DoF
Louise.: She thinks that they are cool.
Louise.: Croc display.
Louise.: West End
Louise.: Parking issues.
Louise.: Tables outside.
Louise.: Inside.
Louise.: Live music.
Louise.: Across the road.
Louise.: Up close and personal.
Louise.: McChicken
Louise.: Lamingtons
Louise.: The 'Tall' one gives me the shakes.
Louise.: Berry thickshake from McDonalds
Louise.: Tastes great too.
Louise.: For themed group