lbgg75: Trogir harbor
lbgg75: Local ag fields - trogir harbor
lbgg75: Sea urchins
lbgg75: View for the day at the beach
lbgg75: Look! It's me. Awkward self portrait
lbgg75: Olives!
lbgg75: View of beach area
lbgg75: View of harbor
lbgg75: This directional sign failed us. 5km walk is a bit longer
lbgg75: Most enjoyed beer. Ever. Post 5km hike back from beach
lbgg75: Town harbor
lbgg75: Los of old men. Just sitting around
lbgg75: Cool old buildings
lbgg75: Cool old buildings
lbgg75: Cool harbor at sunset
lbgg75: Cool harbor at sunset
lbgg75: War memorial
lbgg75: Beautiful persimmon by the trail
lbgg75: The giant ferry boat
lbgg75: Harbor at sunset
lbgg75: Sunset on the Adriatic
lbgg75: Sunset on the Adriatic
lbgg75: Sunset on the Adriatic
lbgg75: Trogir fortress at night