louisa_catlover: happy Tabby
louisa_catlover: sunny girl
louisa_catlover: eating in the sun
louisa_catlover: bush turkey
louisa_catlover: upside down!
louisa_catlover: feed in the park
louisa_catlover: enjoying a swing with daddy
louisa_catlover: serious girl
louisa_catlover: Philip with the boys
louisa_catlover: Tabby & Karl
louisa_catlover: fascinated with Camellias
louisa_catlover: sunny smile :)
louisa_catlover: admiring the harbour view
louisa_catlover: kookaburra
louisa_catlover: examining marjoram
louisa_catlover: running for joy
louisa_catlover: Araucaria cunninghamii
louisa_catlover: having a rest in the gazebo
louisa_catlover: Karl teaching Tabby about sundials
louisa_catlover: walking in the garden
louisa_catlover: sundial fascination
louisa_catlover: how does this work?
louisa_catlover: how do I get inside the box?
louisa_catlover: kookaburras