louisa_catlover: Christmas lunch
louisa_catlover: Pam & Don
louisa_catlover: reaction to a rude joke?
louisa_catlover: looking at Pam's new recipe folder
louisa_catlover: after-lunch nap
louisa_catlover: Bill whipping the cream
louisa_catlover: unveiling the Christmas pudding
louisa_catlover: everyone has an opinion
louisa_catlover: pouring the brandy
louisa_catlover: bringing in the pudding!
louisa_catlover: serving the pudding
louisa_catlover: Nick & a poodle
louisa_catlover: Liz polishing off her pudding
louisa_catlover: Don & Pam
louisa_catlover: Beverley
louisa_catlover: after-lunch nap
louisa_catlover: after-lunch nap