The Crow2: Stanley Kubrick exhibition
The Crow2: Stanley Kubrick headed cards and Kubrick's notebook
The Crow2: Academy award to Kubrick for special visual effects in 2001: A Space Odyssey
The Crow2: Kubrick's director chair
The Crow2: Stanley Kubrick boxes
The Crow2: Part of Kubrick's personal Napoleon library
The Crow2: Panoramic location scouting photograph for Barry Lyndon
The Crow2: Spartacus screenplay with notes and storyboard sketches by Kubrick
The Crow2: Movie posters
The Crow2: Set designs for A.I. Artificial intelligence
The Crow2: Sketch of centrifuge with construction notes
The Crow2: Centrifuge control panel (from 2001 Space Odyssey)
The Crow2: Model of the centrifuge of 2001
The Crow2: Steenbeck 6-plate 35 mm editing table
The Crow2: Poster sketches for The Shining
The Crow2: Tunic and toga of a Roman senator (from Spartacus)
The Crow2: Letter from Kirk Douglas to Kubrick signed Spartacus
The Crow2: Born to Kill helmet worn by Private Joker (from Full Metal Jacket)
The Crow2: Letter from Nabokov to Kubrick
The Crow2: Screenplay with annotations by Kubrick
The Crow2: Korova Milk Bar (fom The Clockwok Orange)
The Crow2: Sketches for The Clockwork Orange
The Crow2: Venetian masks (from Eyes Wide Shut)
The Crow2: Kubrick's annotated copy of Stephen King's The Shining
The Crow2: Maze of the Overlook Hotel
The Crow2: Adler typewriter (from The Shining)
The Crow2: Dresses and shoes worn by Liza and Louise Burns as Grady's daughters (from The Shining)
The Crow2: Wendy Torrance's knife (from The Shining)
The Crow2: Photograph of the Overlook Hotel Fourth of July Ball (from The Shining)
The Crow2: Production notebook with alternative film titles