The Crow2: Master Keaton ReMaster
The Crow2: Idea and character sketches for Pluto
The Crow2: Original painting for the cover of Pluto, Vol 8, Deluxe Edition
The Crow2: Billy bat - Original wall drawing for the exhibition
The Crow2: Billy Bat
The Crow2: Idea sketches for Billy Bat
The Crow2: This is Manga - The art of Urasawa Naoki
The Crow2: This is Manga - The art of Urasawa Naoki
The Crow2: This is Manga - The art of Urasawa Naoki
The Crow2: 20th Century Boys
The Crow2: Idea and character sketches for 20th Century Boys
The Crow2: Idea and character sketches for 20th Century Boys
The Crow2: This is Manga - The art of Urasawa Naoki
The Crow2: Urasawa's oldest existing notebook, drawn when he was 8
The Crow2: Tetsujin - Urasawa's earliest remaining drawing, when he was around 6
The Crow2: Taiko no Sanmyaku - drawn when he was 8
The Crow2: The nemu (storyboard) for Monster
The Crow2: Original painting for Monster, Vol 14 chapter 5
The Crow2: This is Manga - The art of Urasawa Naoki
The Crow2: Original wall drawing for the exhibition
The Crow2: Original drawing for the exhibition
The Crow2: This is Manga - The art of Urasawa Naoki
The Crow2: Original drawing of the exhibition title image
The Crow2: This is Manga - The art of Urasawa Naoki