The Crow2: Thomas Brock: Éva - Eve
The Crow2: Johan Zoffany: Blair ezredes a családjával és Ajával (részlet) - Colonel Blair with his family and an Indian Ayah (detail)
The Crow2: Frank Dobson: Sir Osbert Sitwell, Bt
The Crow2: Jacob Epstein: Iris Beerbohm Tree portréja - Portrait of Iris Beerbohm Tree
The Crow2: Tate Britain
The Crow2: Jacob Epstein: Torso in Metal from "The Rock Drill"
The Crow2: Tate Britain
The Crow2: John Gibson: Hylast meglepik a najádok - Hylas suprised by the Naiades
The Crow2: Ian Hamilton Finlay: The World Has Been Empty Since the Romans
The Crow2: Alfred Gilbert: Az Eros szobor modellje - Model for 'Eros' on the Shaftesbury Memorial, Piccadilly Circus
The Crow2: Peter Paul Rubens: I. János apoteózisa - The Apotheosis of James I
The Crow2: Tate Britain
The Crow2: Phyllida Barlow: dock
The Crow2: Phyllida Barlow: dock
The Crow2: Phyllida Barlow: dock
The Crow2: Phyllida Barlow: dock
The Crow2: Phyllida Barlow: dock
The Crow2: Phyllida Barlow: dock
The Crow2: Phyllida Barlow: dock
The Crow2: Phyllida Barlow: dock
The Crow2: Phyllida Barlow: dock
The Crow2: Phyllida Barlow: dock
The Crow2: Phyllida Barlow: dock
The Crow2: Phyllida Barlow: dock
The Crow2: Phyllida Barlow: dock
The Crow2: Phyllida Barlow: dock
The Crow2: Henry Moore: Recumbent figure
The Crow2: Henry Moore: King and Queen
The Crow2: Henry Moore: Reclining Figure
The Crow2: Henry Moore: Draped Seated Figure