Canterburian: 'Kanklės Player', Kaunas
Canterburian: #Kaunas
Canterburian: Kauno pilis (Kaunas Castle)
Canterburian: 'The Wise Old Man', Kaunas
Canterburian: CH Chocolaterie, Kaunas
Canterburian: Rotušės aikštė (Town Hall Square), Kaunas
Canterburian: Rotušės aikštė (Town Hall Square), Kaunas
Canterburian: The Freedom Warrior 'Vytis', Kaunas
Canterburian: Memorial to the victims of The June Uprising in 1941, Kaunas
Canterburian: Laisvės alėja (Freedom Avenue), Kaunas
Canterburian: Lietuvos paštas (Lithuania Post), Kaunas
Canterburian: St. Michael the Archangel's Church, Kaunas
Canterburian: House of Perkūnas, Kaunas
Canterburian: Church of Vytautas the Great, Kaunas
Canterburian: Vilniaus gatvė (Vilnius Street), Kaunas
Canterburian: Vilniaus gatvė (Vilnius Street) , Kaunas
Canterburian: Boy and a dog statue, Kaunas