Lou Alexander: DIxie and Dallas 01 26 2022
Lou Alexander: Dixie Schoenke Osting, Bonnie Roberts Holzbacher
Lou Alexander: 50th reunion group picture. Photo by Chuck Abrell, Abrell Photo Service. http://www.abrellsphotoworks.com/
Lou Alexander: Granddaughter Jaylei Osting with Dixie Osting and Dallas Osting
Lou Alexander: Danny Barker, Joyce Campbell Foster, Dixie Schoenke Osting, Ann Kemp _1260054
Lou Alexander: Dixie Schoenke and her granddaughter Jaylei Osting
Lou Alexander: Dixie Schoenke Osting and her granddaughter Jaylei Osting
Lou Alexander: From Vickie Stone Greiwe: Dixie and Dallas were surprised by family and friends for their 50th anniversary today (Sunday, August 19). Here’s a picture of Jane Smyser Howard (did you know she and Dallas are cousins?), Dixie and Dallas and John and me.
Lou Alexander: Dixie Schoenke and family
Lou Alexander: At left, classmate Dixie Schoenke Osting and husband Dallas. They had lunch last week with Vickie and John Greiwe. Vickie noted: "So good to spend 3-1/2 hours catching up!"
Lou Alexander: A Image 1 Nancy Pratt Richardson, Dixie Schoenke Osting, Joyce Campbell Foster leading the Class of '65 entry
Lou Alexander: Leading the class in the fight song
Lou Alexander: From Vickie Stone Greiwe, another picture for the 50th Wedding Anniversay celebration for Dixie Schoenke Osting and her husband Dallas: A picture from their wedding—Jane Smyser Howard's brother Terry, Dixie’s brother Ken, Trevor and Joyce to name a few.
Lou Alexander: From the Celebration of Life for Dixie Schoenke Osting
Lou Alexander: Dixie Schoenke Osting July 13, 2022