Lou Alexander: Greensburg Daily News clips about Walter Weiss books.
Lou Alexander: John Wood Honored as winningest coach in the history of Charlestown, IN high school basketball
Lou Alexander: John Wood, at left tossing up the ball for the first official game in the new gym. At right, greeting players before the game.
Lou Alexander: Ray Webster
Lou Alexander: Larry Lindsay Industrial Arts
Lou Alexander: Jeff DeMoss reported "winter storm actually happened here in Indiana. Stuck in the house today. can’t wait to get to Florida next week."
Lou Alexander: From Jane Miller Kennelly. Details below.
Lou Alexander: Debbie Dixon and Dan Mobley
Lou Alexander: Candi and Steve Baily. Details below.
Lou Alexander: The grandson of Joe and Susan Balkwill Rust. Details below.
Lou Alexander: Carol Jane Sheese Koutz and Family. Details below.
Lou Alexander: Angela Gardner Hamer and Family. Details below.
Lou Alexander: Jane Easley Kennedy celebrating her birthday.
Lou Alexander: Jeff DeMoss with what he described as "the best Christmas present possible..." Details below.
Lou Alexander: Dan Brockman and his daughter. Details below.
Lou Alexander: All of Candi and Rick Acra grandchildren. Details below.
Lou Alexander: Connie King center, her daughter and granddaughter on the left.
Lou Alexander: Richard Kramer in what he called a “Great family visit on a lovely fall day!”
Lou Alexander: Jane Smyser Howard having "Fun time, at breakfast with the great-granddaughters."
Lou Alexander: Rick Acra sent this picture of the annual holiday scene at his house. Rick and Candy in the background. Kids and grandkids in the foreground.
Lou Alexander: Jane Smyser Howard celebrating the holiday season with the family.
Lou Alexander: December 25 2 up
Lou Alexander: December 25 P1097794
Lou Alexander: December 25 P1097798
Lou Alexander: Classmate Dorothy Kramer on a trip to Greece with Angela Strobel. Details below.
Lou Alexander: David Untitled-1
Lou Alexander: From a Greensburg/Decatur County Chamber of Commerce event where the bicentennial of the (David) Miers Farm was acknowledged.
Lou Alexander: Rebecca Acra Mitchell with her daughter Elizabeth
Lou Alexander: The Greensburg Fire Station No. 1, dedicated to our deceased classmate Larry Filler
Lou Alexander: Dan Mobley and Joe Rust