Lou Alexander: Announcement img001
Lou Alexander: On the patio img020
Lou Alexander: Steve Novelli and the wonderful t shirt he gave me img019
Lou Alexander: Andrea Holding, Jill Arnone img018
Lou Alexander: Barbara Wilson img017
Lou Alexander: Vi Burkitt img016
Lou Alexander: Becky img015
Lou Alexander: Stephanie Davis, Kathleen Slattery, Lisa Buckingham, Sue Holladay McDonald img014
Lou Alexander: Lynn Virgilio img013
Lou Alexander: Bill Russell img012
Lou Alexander: Marty Bildt img011
Lou Alexander: On the patio img010
Lou Alexander: Holly Hayes img008
Lou Alexander: Gail Petty img021
Lou Alexander: Rob Magovern, Lou Alexander, Mike Lynch img022
Lou Alexander: Sonny img024
Lou Alexander: Angela Flannery img025
Lou Alexander: Bob WIlliamson at the mic img023
Lou Alexander: Mike Lynch at the mic img026
Lou Alexander: Joe Boessenecker at the mic img028
Lou Alexander: Rob Magovern at the mic img032
Lou Alexander: Pat Murphy at the mic img027
Lou Alexander: Pat Murphy at the mic img029
Lou Alexander: Joe Natoli at the mic img030
Lou Alexander: Jeff Kiel at the mic img031
Lou Alexander: At the mic img033
Lou Alexander: At the mic img034
Lou Alexander: Opening my present img035
Lou Alexander: Opening my present img037
Lou Alexander: Opening my present img036