Lou Rouge: Greetings from my library
Lou Rouge: Round and rouge
Lou Rouge: Moving On
Lou Rouge: Stranger
Lou Rouge: Playing with the scissors
Lou Rouge: Volar
Lou Rouge: On the beach
Lou Rouge: Experimento
Lou Rouge: Pretty new shoes
Lou Rouge: Imitation of Life
Lou Rouge: Fiesta
Lou Rouge: I Am trying to break your heart
Lou Rouge: Yes, only love can break your heart
Lou Rouge: There comes the sun
Lou Rouge: Siesta
Lou Rouge: Y el curioso color del colorado
Lou Rouge: Big day coming
Lou Rouge: Le reveló una flor llamada rosa
Lou Rouge: Son coeur etait bleu
Lou Rouge: Sweet dreams
Lou Rouge: Picturing or gardening?
Lou Rouge: I disappear
Lou Rouge: La faim
Lou Rouge: Helechos
Lou Rouge: La cuchara magica
Lou Rouge: Corazón de fresa
Lou Rouge: Anello
Lou Rouge: Diwan
Lou Rouge: On the rainy green way
Lou Rouge: Let's swim