lou,69.: macro spider
lou,69.: Green with envy (raw from camera)
lou,69.: Hilicopter....
lou,69.: Beauty in my garden..
lou,69.: Jelly fish
lou,69.: My Garden again
lou,69.: Lilly!!!
lou,69.: Dead crab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lou,69.: sunny day
lou,69.: My Beautiful Lilly
lou,69.: pretty pink
lou,69.: bugs
lou,69.: Gorgeous macro
lou,69.: In the Raw
lou,69.: textures and colors
lou,69.: Flying around
lou,69.: car bonnet butterfly
lou,69.: Beautiful Red Rose Bokeh
lou,69.: By Candlelight
lou,69.: Just yellow
lou,69.: Robin in all its glory (Explored today 67place) Bokeh!!!
lou,69.: Wow how cold is it ???????????????
lou,69.: Macro Nikon
lou,69.: Red Robin
lou,69.: My Faves
lou,69.: Bit chilly on me own (lol)
lou,69.: sunbathing duck
lou,69.: macro again
lou,69.: Bokeh macro rose
lou,69.: My new Toy