lou,69.: Dinner out in Buxton
lou,69.: my beautiful nephew on my new camera
lou,69.: A snowy tree
lou,69.: Freezing!!!!!!
lou,69.: scooby eating peanuts
lou,69.: scooby
lou,69.: Lovely Sky
lou,69.: 16 03 10 The local sailing group
lou,69.: An unwanted vistor in my bath lol!!!!!!!!!!!!
lou,69.: All washed up!!!!!!!!!!!
lou,69.: Todd Brook
lou,69.: Todd brook
lou,69.: Duckin and Diving
lou,69.: duck's just chilling
lou,69.: Whaley Bridge Memorial Park..
lou,69.: A walk down cow pat lane on a sunny day!!!!
lou,69.: Telly Tubby Land on your letters...
lou,69.: Errwood overflow
lou,69.: Beauty in my garden..
lou,69.: Errwood from a different direction
lou,69.: Beautiful clouds....
lou,69.: Beautiful Errwood
lou,69.: Hilicopter....
lou,69.: Green with envy (raw from camera)
lou,69.: Giovanni
lou,69.: Scooby
lou,69.: guess????........This is a shot of a pint pot on my drainer which is under a window and the sun shining through the window, well done to all my flickr friends for their comments
lou,69.: sunny day
lou,69.: My Beautiful Lilly
lou,69.: Callums Prom June 25th 2010