mike grice: The garden on May Day - grass cut before the rain came
mike grice: And then the rain got a little worse 4
mike grice: Just when you thought it was all over.....
mike grice: My new mug
mike grice: Orange balloon in rainy sky 1
mike grice: My breakfast Easter Sunday 2010
mike grice: Jesus ( or more precisely where's Jesus?)
mike grice: Ramone
mike grice: Snow's back
mike grice: Not my favourite garden visitor
mike grice: Bird bath and bird feeder
mike grice: Soon to be the contents of my new mug
mike grice: The deck
mike grice: Rusted daffodil
mike grice: View from the Bathroom window on a wet Sunday in May
mike grice: More of the deck
mike grice: And then the rain got a little worse 2
mike grice: Betty Boop
mike grice: Orange balloon in rainy sky 2
mike grice: View from the back bedroom window on a wet Sunday in May
mike grice: Lara Croft
mike grice: My Christmas hat
mike grice: Bamboo and veg beds
mike grice: My breakfast Easter Saturday 2010
mike grice: Iron Thistle
mike grice: And then the rain got a little worse 3
mike grice: Elephant bell
mike grice: Wet fire pit
mike grice: Blue and white plant pot