lotusfee: In the fields
lotusfee: Tagpfauenauge auf Herbstaster, Peacock on white aster
lotusfee: evening-sun-reflections, Abendsonne im Flachweiher
lotusfee: blaue Seerose - blue water lily (Nymphaea colorata)
lotusfee: old plumtree´s summerdream
lotusfee: lonely tree...
lotusfee: im Winterwald
lotusfee: sakura - tenderness - so voller Zartheit...
lotusfee: Hibiscus for a great weekend
lotusfee: Happy Birthday! A November-rose for my beloved daughter
lotusfee: beauty
lotusfee: flower for Martha
lotusfee: next level... 201... my coverpic!
lotusfee: eye-catching clouds on explore... June 10.2011 #239
lotusfee: a bit summerfeeling... ein Sommertag im Juli...
lotusfee: Im Frühnebel - Mystical*Magical*Moment
lotusfee: Goldener Oktobertag
lotusfee: Vineyards in November
lotusfee: Frühlingsboten - messenger of spring on explore March 3.2012 # 124
lotusfee: Alte Allee in Zweibrücken - Old Alley in Deux-Ponts
lotusfee: nature is covered...
lotusfee: ❤ with love ❤
lotusfee: ❤❤ some snowdrops for you ❤❤
lotusfee: little white miracle
lotusfee: ☆ Merry Christmas to you! Fröhliche Weihnacht! ☆
lotusfee: Rotschwanzbussard Betty
lotusfee: Weinlese - vintage - Herbschde
lotusfee: ready to start with flying
lotusfee: a dream of a rose