Carrascal Girl: Fuel top up, Cebu, 6:20PM
Carrascal Girl: Tire check and air, on my way to pier
Carrascal Girl: Stopping by the nearest Shell station
Carrascal Girl: First a stop at the Cebu Port Authority
Carrascal Girl: Waiting to roll in
Carrascal Girl: Waiting to roll in
Carrascal Girl: Waiting to roll in
Carrascal Girl: Resident dog on the boat
Carrascal Girl: A lady quarter master
Carrascal Girl: Busy time
Carrascal Girl: In position
Carrascal Girl: Bolting up
Carrascal Girl: Tight squeeze
Carrascal Girl: The stairs going up to the passenger accommodation
Carrascal Girl: Nice seats, and very clean
Carrascal Girl: Economy accommodation
Carrascal Girl: Drivers only
Carrascal Girl: Travel buddy
Carrascal Girl: Had to move to the center
Carrascal Girl: Final position
Carrascal Girl: Safety first
Carrascal Girl: Toilet, economy class
Carrascal Girl: Wash counter, Economy class
Carrascal Girl: Ladies toitet, economy class
Carrascal Girl: Men's toilet, economy class
Carrascal Girl: Stairs to tourist class
Carrascal Girl: Canteen price list