Carrascal Girl: Look at that sky
Carrascal Girl: Buying our return ticket back to Lijiang in advance
Carrascal Girl: Shangri-La Bus Station @ 5PM
Carrascal Girl: Arriving at our hostel
Carrascal Girl: Our bit of Shangri-La
Carrascal Girl: Bikes for rent
Carrascal Girl: View from the front steps
Carrascal Girl: Lao Shay Youth Hostel at twilight
Carrascal Girl: Lao Shay Youth Hostel
Carrascal Girl: Old fashioned woodstove
Carrascal Girl: 2F hallway
Carrascal Girl: View from stairs
Carrascal Girl: Our dorm room
Carrascal Girl: View from our window
Carrascal Girl: View from wash room
Carrascal Girl: Pre-dinner stroll
Carrascal Girl: Pre-dinner stroll
Carrascal Girl: Lao Shay Youth Hostel at twilight
Carrascal Girl: View from Lao Shay Youth Hostel @ twilight
Carrascal Girl: Emma, Will and me
Carrascal Girl: Lao Shay Youth Hostel at twilight
Carrascal Girl: Dinner time!
Carrascal Girl: Yak dinner, so good!
Carrascal Girl: Heading to Pudacuo National Park
Carrascal Girl: Heading to Pudacuo National Park
Carrascal Girl: Heading to Pudacuo National Park
Carrascal Girl: Heading to Pudacuo National Park
Carrascal Girl: On our way to Pudacuo National Park
Carrascal Girl: On our way to Pudacuo National Park
Carrascal Girl: One more UNESCO heritage site to my list