Lottakind: cushion cover - work in progress
Lottakind: cushion cover - work in progress
Lottakind: cushion cover- finished.
Lottakind: new labels...
Lottakind: bird and muscari
Lottakind: bird in heart
Lottakind: wip "We are in the garden"
Lottakind: new front door sign
Lottakind: heart cushion cover
Lottakind: new fabrics and craft books
Lottakind: baby scarf for Emilia
Lottakind: cushion cover WIP
Lottakind: cushion cover WIP
Lottakind: baby quilt for Tom...the front
Lottakind: new shelf decoration in Lottas playkitchen
Lottakind: new shelf decoration in Lottas playkitchen
Lottakind: Lottas new bag
Lottakind: Lottas new bag
Lottakind: red and white quilt for Charlotta
Lottakind: one more bag