Lotje quilts:
Every #medallionquilt needs star cornerstones, doesn't it? #lightweightquilt #lawnquilt
Lotje quilts:
Last weekend's new round
Lotje quilts:
How about 'Rowan Tree Medallion' name for this one?
Lotje quilts:
Next round :) #lightweight #quilt #medallionquilt
Lotje quilts:
white or green?
Lotje quilts:
An idea of flying geese grew into arrows. Geese still comping up! #lawnquilt #medallionquilt
Lotje quilts:
Nano-patchwork arrows based on #annamariahornerfabric for the next round of this very-self-consience-mini-that-is-expanding-Indo-medallion-quilt
Lotje quilts:
❤️ scrappy geese #lawnquilt #flyinggeese
Lotje quilts:
Nano-quilting for next row in trial-mini-that-is-evolving-into-live-size-medallion-quilt #quilt #medallionquilt #lawnquilt #nanoquilting
Lotje quilts:
(How) to continue?
Lotje quilts:
Tree block
Lotje quilts:
rowan tree medallion quilt
Lotje quilts:
2017-02-03 16.34.24
Lotje quilts:
2017-01-20 16.37.08
Lotje quilts:
2017-02-03 17.07.19