lothes19: Leaving the Mainland
lothes19: Scott and Maureen
lothes19: Scott and Maureen, Reflected
lothes19: Across Death's Door
lothes19: Arriving at Washington Island
lothes19: Big D's Sauced Meats, WHQ
lothes19: Gooey Butter Cake, Take I
lothes19: Gooey Butter Cake, Take II
lothes19: Big D with Meat
lothes19: Baking with Briquettes
lothes19: Jane readies the boxes
lothes19: Big D with grills
lothes19: Greg and Dan
lothes19: Maureen and Dan
lothes19: Big D with smoker
lothes19: Schoolhouse Beach
lothes19: Maureen and Scott
lothes19: Karfi heading for Rock Island
lothes19: Maureen at rest
lothes19: Big D cuts meat
lothes19: BBQ is a team sport
lothes19: Lauren and Dan
lothes19: Chicken, final
lothes19: BBQ is a spectator sport
lothes19: A man and his ribs
lothes19: Prep line
lothes19: Prep line, with observers
lothes19: Ribs, final
lothes19: Ribs, turn in
lothes19: Excited for pork butt