Lothar Voss: Bussard
Lothar Voss: A visitor ???
Lothar Voss: Pelikan im Zoo
Lothar Voss: Eyes (color-key)
Lothar Voss: The curious monkey
Lothar Voss: Chilling monkeys
Lothar Voss: It´s not amused
Lothar Voss: The evil eye
Lothar Voss: face to face...
Lothar Voss: majestic goose on a golden see
Lothar Voss: Oachkatzlschwoaf ;-)
Lothar Voss: relaxing fox
Lothar Voss: A strange Beauty
Lothar Voss: taking a bath
Lothar Voss: Wisenherde im "Sauerland"
Lothar Voss: Große Quelljungfer (Cordulegaster heros)
Lothar Voss: Metamorphose
Lothar Voss: barbary ape
Lothar Voss: Who´s there?
Lothar Voss: Thinking
Lothar Voss: Journey of the cranes
Lothar Voss: Weißkopf-Seeadler
Lothar Voss: family on iceland
Lothar Voss: Freedom
Lothar Voss: In the wild
Lothar Voss: Vierfleck Libelle
Lothar Voss: Hausrotschwanz (Weibchen) Phoenicurus ochruros
Lothar Voss: Maaaamaaaa....
Lothar Voss: Am Vogelhaus