losy: Tortellinis on guard!!
losy: Papierzeug
losy: Zebras on the wall
losy: Parking your car
losy: fence #2
losy: Somthing or other
losy: Pyramid yellow
losy: Pyramid
losy: Paper and stripes
losy: ( ( ( ( (
losy: paper rolls
losy: Running out of steam!
losy: Light
losy: Blue stripes
losy: Umbra Magna
losy: Erect
losy: Querulant
losy: \\\||I||///
losy: House of Cards
losy: \\ II // ~~~
losy: Crystal ball
losy: One
losy: Solitaire
losy: Balancing Act
losy: Had to play a bit... before I go
losy: Before the rain # 3
losy: Before the rain comes # 1