therealjanem: Chicago skyline
therealjanem: Weeping neon willow
therealjanem: Mutant stereo
therealjanem: The man burns
therealjanem: Bright lights, dust city
therealjanem: ...and down
therealjanem: The Trojan horse goes down
therealjanem: Watching a playa wedding in the Thunderdome
therealjanem: Posing on the RV roof at sunset
therealjanem: Sunset over the playa
therealjanem: Mobile Chapel of Love
therealjanem: Queuing with the Burners
therealjanem: Road trip II
therealjanem: Yosemite
therealjanem: El Capitain, Yosemite National Park
therealjanem: Road trip I
therealjanem: American industry
therealjanem: Vegas baby
therealjanem: The Paris by night, Las Vegas
therealjanem: The pool at the Paris
therealjanem: Vegas slots
therealjanem: New York, New York
therealjanem: Driving to Vegas
therealjanem: Me in the 'Vette
therealjanem: Driving through Nevada, July 2008
therealjanem: Leaving the Canyon, North Rim
therealjanem: Paul photographing the 'Vette
therealjanem: Just another gas station
therealjanem: Happy passenger