therealjanem: The trees at home
therealjanem: Walking to Brigitte's II
therealjanem: Walking to Brigitte's I
therealjanem: Corporate cable cars
therealjanem: Waiting for Mum II
therealjanem: Waiting for Mum I
therealjanem: Damp yellow leaves
therealjanem: The far side of Kennington Park
therealjanem: Wimbledon wildflowers I
therealjanem: Wimbledon wildflowers II
therealjanem: Court 2 crowd and cloud
therealjanem: The Murrays confer
therealjanem: An Italian pair
therealjanem: Roger, sign my ball!
therealjanem: Victory
therealjanem: A Gursky fan enjoys Centre Court cheap seats
therealjanem: Centre court crowd
therealjanem: Abbey at sunset
therealjanem: Dandelion
therealjanem: Olympic Southbank
therealjanem: Hyde Park sunset II
therealjanem: Hyde Park sunset I
therealjanem: Men not at work
therealjanem: Men at work
therealjanem: More tripod drunkenness II
therealjanem: More tripod drunkenness I
therealjanem: Light and shade
therealjanem: Love on an escalator (living it up when you're going down)
therealjanem: Drunk in possession of tripod
therealjanem: Cool light installation thing, Secret Cinema, June 2012