dusty_pen: hallway to elevator
dusty_pen: lovely birds eye maple floors
dusty_pen: downstairs living area
dusty_pen: between the spiral stairs and the wall
dusty_pen: third floor down to first
dusty_pen: third floor down, birds eye floors
dusty_pen: third floor out to roof patio
dusty_pen: roof patio
dusty_pen: spiral down to the second then first floors
dusty_pen: third floor stairs
dusty_pen: windows at roof level
dusty_pen: looking down from third floor
dusty_pen: second floor, toward living area
dusty_pen: bedroom
dusty_pen: second floor looking into bedroom
dusty_pen: second floor looking up
dusty_pen: old office space
dusty_pen: downstairs living area and doorway to office
dusty_pen: downstairs entrance, double doors to laundry
dusty_pen: downstairs toward kitchen
dusty_pen: first floor pano
dusty_pen: second floor pano
dusty_pen: first floor pano