LostinTexas: Ernie and Tonya
LostinTexas: What am I supposed to do now?
LostinTexas: Beware of the attacking Ernie
LostinTexas: I wanna be your friend
LostinTexas: Looking over this weeks comic books selection
LostinTexas: Looking over this weeks comic books selection
LostinTexas: Even Darth Maul loves Ernie
LostinTexas: Even Darth Maul loves Ernie
LostinTexas: Even Darh Maul loves Ernie
LostinTexas: Can I take him home?
LostinTexas: I Love sea horses
LostinTexas: Being Earnie has it's privileges
LostinTexas: I Love Ernie Too
LostinTexas: Where's the party?
LostinTexas: I wish it was this big!
LostinTexas: Take my photo already
LostinTexas: Look I'm holding a stuffed sea horse
LostinTexas: Even Ernie loves sea horses
LostinTexas: What the hell...
LostinTexas: Relaxing before the movie starts
LostinTexas: Relaxing after a hard day of taking photos
LostinTexas: Relaxing after a hard day of taking photo
LostinTexas: Relaxing after a hard day of taking photo
LostinTexas: Group picture
LostinTexas: A girl or a boy, let's see.
LostinTexas: I love my Ernie
LostinTexas: Hugs everyone
LostinTexas: I've got a big zit on my face this big.
LostinTexas: Cuddles
LostinTexas: Loves in the air