Lost Faces: at the market
Lost Faces: Mursi Woman
Lost Faces: A Lady of the Mursi tribe
Lost Faces: Warrior, Mursi tribe
Lost Faces: just wondering
Lost Faces: the Karo tribe
Lost Faces: two Mursi Girls
Lost Faces: Beyond Toothpaste and sugar
Lost Faces: Man with the Tail of an Bull
Lost Faces: Mursi Woman without Lip Plate
Lost Faces: Old Hamer Woman
Lost Faces: Karo tribe
Lost Faces: Karo tribe
Lost Faces: Karo tribe
Lost Faces: Karo Children
Lost Faces: Karo man
Lost Faces: Hamer man
Lost Faces: Playing Pelican Basketball
Lost Faces: the Old Ways
Lost Faces: Mursi tribe
Lost Faces: Mursi
Lost Faces: Mursi: Lip Plates for Sale
Lost Faces: Child of the Mursi tribe
Lost Faces: Mursi woman
Lost Faces: Don't mess with my cows!
Lost Faces: Mom wears the lip plate
Lost Faces: the Choice of Lip Plates
Lost Faces: Beaute Sans Frontières
Lost Faces: Mother and Child
Lost Faces: Woman - Hamer tribe