Tripod 01: Backlit Butterfly (B&W) (the Marbled White) on Verbena (DSC_4257) [Explored]
Tripod 01: Autumnal Reflections in B&W !
Tripod 01: Backlit Butterfly on Verbena bonariensis (2)B/W (DSC_4796)
Tripod 01: WHISPER OF BULLRUSHES - Image and poem (DSCN1267)[Framed]
Tripod 01: Hosta Flower Spike in B&W (DSC_4739)
Tripod 01: Woodland Walk (B&W) (DSC_6948) [Framed]
Tripod 01: Gathering Storm (B&W)
Tripod 01: Fungi cluster [B&W] (DSC_3295)
Tripod 01: Daffodil Macro - Grainy B&W
Tripod 01: Single Daffodil Head in B&W- (DSC_0293)
Tripod 01: "Absorption" - Studying the Nikon handbook!
Tripod 01: Water catches sky (B&W -Autumn)