Tripod 01: DSC_0121
Tripod 01: JUST CHECKING! (DSC_0333-jpg)
Tripod 01: DSC_0345-jpg
Tripod 01: HEAD AND NECK (DSC_3019)
Tripod 01: Hummingbird moth 1 (DSC_5504)
Tripod 01: Hummingbird moth 5 (DSC_6435)
Tripod 01: "I have my eye on you" - Hummingbird moth 6 (DSC_6467)
Tripod 01: Hummingbird moth 3 (DSC_5753)
Tripod 01: Hummingbird moth 4 (DSC_6089)
Tripod 01: Hummingbird moth 2 (DSC_5523)
Tripod 01: DSC_4799
Tripod 01: Clinging on! (DSC_6375 - Square format)
Tripod 01: DSC_7788
Tripod 01: (Echinacea purpurea) (DSC_4050
Tripod 01: Backlit Butterfly (the Marbled White) on Verbena (DSC_4257)
Tripod 01: Backlit Butterfly on Verbena bonariensis (2) DSC_4796
Tripod 01: Acer japonica
Tripod 01: Hostas & Grasses in the Gravel Garden (DSC_2420)
Tripod 01: 'EYE-FOCUS' (DSC_6558 - square format)
Tripod 01: Backlit Butterfly (B&W) (the Marbled White) on Verbena (DSC_4257) [Explored]
Tripod 01: Shy Snail (1) DSC_3063
Tripod 01: Shy snail (2) DSC_3071
Tripod 01: Two's Company (DSC_3044)
Tripod 01: Opening Bud (Cornus Contraversa (DSC_3051.NEF)
Tripod 01: Opening bud of Cornus Contraversa (2) DSC_3049
Tripod 01: Shining through (DSC_3229(1))
Tripod 01: Backlit Poppies (DSC_4043)
Tripod 01: After the Thunderstorm
Tripod 01: Stage 2/4 (Peonie - from closed bud to open flower)
Tripod 01: Stage 1/4 (Peonie - from closed bud to open flower)