lorrainemmcg: passing over
lorrainemmcg: thunderstorm on the way
lorrainemmcg: hosta confusion
lorrainemmcg: leaf shadow, or Hercule Poirot hiding out?
lorrainemmcg: lotsa hosta
lorrainemmcg: hosta and drops
lorrainemmcg: hosta and drops
lorrainemmcg: mass of hostas out front
lorrainemmcg: goat's beard
lorrainemmcg: peony after the rain
lorrainemmcg: peony bud
lorrainemmcg: white peony
lorrainemmcg: jacob's ladder
lorrainemmcg: siberian iris
lorrainemmcg: perfect bud
lorrainemmcg: garden path
lorrainemmcg: garden
lorrainemmcg: purple geranium, blue flower
lorrainemmcg: jerusalem sage flower
lorrainemmcg: geranium
lorrainemmcg: single geranium
lorrainemmcg: double geranium
lorrainemmcg: speckled begonia
lorrainemmcg: peony explosion
lorrainemmcg: basic scented lily
lorrainemmcg: weird light during thunderstorm
lorrainemmcg: morning garden