Taffy Girl: Jackie Ratzlaff Sears and Corine Dusin
Taffy Girl: Leona Nichols, Bill & Viola Koehn
Taffy Girl: Daryl & Helen Mininger; Lorraine Koehn in the center
Taffy Girl: Gary Dusin #3
Taffy Girl: Frances Webster and Eileen Gasaway
Taffy Girl: Betty Dusin on the right
Taffy Girl: Fay Evans, Norman Loewen, Robert Baiz and Howard Collins
Taffy Girl: Chet and Grace Jantz
Taffy Girl: Helen, Jackie, Nancy, Debbie & Barbara (Dirks) Miller
Taffy Girl: Ruth Friesen, oldest woman (in red)
Taffy Girl: Gene Hill and Randy Heller
Taffy Girl: DSCN7215
Taffy Girl: Mel Dyck in the middle
Taffy Girl: DSCN7214
Taffy Girl: DSCN7218
Taffy Girl: Bertha and John Jantz Sr.
Taffy Girl: Roberta and John Jantz
Taffy Girl: Linda and Bob Boesch
Taffy Girl: Cleo Jantz on the right
Taffy Girl: Bill Koehn on the right
Taffy Girl: Aileen Jantz
Taffy Girl: James Miller and wife, Barbara Dirks Miller
Taffy Girl: Debbie (Dirks) and Everett Jones
Taffy Girl: Leona Steck & Raymond McMillan, sister & brother
Taffy Girl: Helen Horst Yoder and husband
Taffy Girl: Carolyn McMillan Chandler and Leona Steck, sisters
Taffy Girl: Donna Penrod Abney & Frances McMillan Webster
Taffy Girl: Norman Loewen & Marvin Heppner
Taffy Girl: ? Friesen; Darlene Peaster; Willa Nightengale
Taffy Girl: Fred and Roberta Hightower