d'allenger: 2015 lucy at st.Canna's
d'allenger: Lucy at st.Canna's Churchyard
d'allenger: Elegy of the Ancient Saints
d'allenger: Lucy at St.Canna's
d'allenger: Lucy and the white rose of winter
d'allenger: November the dimming of the year
d'allenger: st.Canna with birds
d'allenger: 2015-10-25 lucy edit 1
d'allenger: 2015-10-25 lucy at st.Canna's
d'allenger: 2015-10-28 Bath 28 oct 003
d'allenger: Lucy at St.Canna's Churchyard
d'allenger: 2015 Lucy at St.Canna's Churchyard
d'allenger: 2015-10-25 lucy at st.Canna's 15 10 15 091