Lornette's Pics: 135_Elbow Beach Christmas Morning
Lornette's Pics: 136_Elbow Beach Christmas Morning
Lornette's Pics: 140 _Elbow Beach Christmas Morning
Lornette's Pics: 139 _XMAS Day on Elbow Beach 2007
Lornette's Pics: Blaze Looking out of the car window
Lornette's Pics: Blaze looking out of car window
Lornette's Pics: Blaze chilling under the plam.
Lornette's Pics: Blaze and A'mel 2
Lornette's Pics: Blaze and A'mel
Lornette's Pics: Blaze on a walk through the Botanical gardens, Bermuda.
Lornette's Pics: Blaze on a walk through the Botanical gardens, Bermuda.
Lornette's Pics: Blaze on a walk through the Botanical gardens, Bermuda.
Lornette's Pics: IMG_7285_ Resting under a rock for shade after a hike to the beacn
Lornette's Pics: IMG_7286
Lornette's Pics: IMG_7287
Lornette's Pics: IMG_7288 "Here Blaze!"
Lornette's Pics: IMG_7289