John / Arc-Images: Spiders, Gorilla, Manchester, 19-11-15
Tom Hagen: Eagles of Death Metal
Renato Jacob Photography: Fotografia de shows - Concert photography
MatGregorPH: Boom Boom Kid
KevinTroise: Just a little of Buenos Aires
2H Photography: Berri Txarrak_01@Barclaycard Center
2H Photography: Rise Against_01@Barclaycard Center
Rory Coomey's Photography: Florence and the Machine
maxteves: Felu
Tom Hagen: Resurrection Fest
Tom Hagen: Black Label Society
Tom Hagen: ZZ Top
2H Photography: Machu Picchu
Tom Hagen: Berri Txarrak
atlanticsalmonfly: vialacteasma2
Javier Bragado: Gallows_@ResurrectionFest2014_02
Ainara M: Tower piso 28