Lorna is: The Neon Cross
Lorna is: Memories of Summer
Lorna is: Meeting in the middle
Lorna is: Playing in the Rain
Lorna is: My Best Friend
Lorna is: Me and My Shadow
Lorna is: The Different
Lorna is: And Summer is Gone
Lorna is: The Darkness and the Light
Lorna is: Flickr Fairy
Lorna is: Screaming at the Stars
Lorna is: I Was Very Blue
Lorna is: Cold Fire
Lorna is: Tangled Up
Lorna is: Forever Reaching
Lorna is: Splash
Lorna is: Silver Summer
Lorna is: Clouds in My Wine
Lorna is: I am and I was and I am still yet to be...
Lorna is: Visiting Sparkles
Lorna is: Love
Lorna is: Dreams of Flying
Lorna is: Red on Red
Lorna is: Broken
Lorna is: Spillage in Orange
Lorna is: Art is Freedom
Lorna is: True Freedom
Lorna is: Yellow