lori25z: Seal
lori25z: Nanisivik airport
lori25z: Polar Bear
lori25z: Airport terminal in Nanisivik
lori25z: Hills near Nanisivik, Nunavut
lori25z: refueling stop in Hall Beach, Nunavut
lori25z: Arctic sea ice
lori25z: Young and old polar remains in Resolute Bay
lori25z: Our ride north from Resolute
lori25z: Plane is ready for us and our gear
lori25z: Flying on the Twin
lori25z: Pilot consulting the map
lori25z: The furtherest north I've been
lori25z: On the way to our camp
lori25z: Phew, we landed at our camp
lori25z: Going for a walk
lori25z: Serious scientists
lori25z: Arctic hare
lori25z: talking science
lori25z: Looking back at camp from the trail to the loo
lori25z: Colour Peak Springs
lori25z: Crusoe Glacier
lori25z: foot of Crusoe Glacier
lori25z: View from sampling site
lori25z: the "elephant car"
lori25z: Wind picking up
lori25z: Visiting twin
lori25z: cookhut