Lori Webb: Sarah Prevette
Lori Webb: Crush It! Books for attendees
Lori Webb: Welcome to SproutUp London
Lori Webb: Welcome Desk Prep
Lori Webb: Welcome desk
Lori Webb: Name tags with suggested connections
Lori Webb: GaryVee
Lori Webb: SproutUp Documentation
Lori Webb: The Exuberant Eddie Correia
Lori Webb: Finkus
Lori Webb: The lovely and busy Erin B.
Lori Webb: Gary interacts with Sproutup attendees
Lori Webb: Eddie Correia & Finkus Bripp
Lori Webb: Gary talks
Lori Webb: Enthusiastic attendee photographs
Lori Webb: The SproutUp crowd gets seated
Lori Webb: Checking out Crush It!
Lori Webb: Gary_booksigning
Lori Webb: Who do I write it to?
Lori Webb: Gary takes a break
Lori Webb: Gary personalizes the book
Lori Webb: "Gary, over here"
Lori Webb: Pictures with Gary Vee
Lori Webb: Queing up
Lori Webb: Eddie Correia checks her photos
Lori Webb: Can't wait to read it
Lori Webb: Me and Gary Vee
Lori Webb: SproutUp Entrance