will9516: Chloe the Princess
will9516: Pearl the Princess
will9516: Chloe on a Garden Bench
will9516: Almond Orchard in Bloom
will9516: The Getty Museum, Los Angeles
will9516: Spanish House
will9516: Fisherman's Wharf in Monterey
will9516: Rocky Coast
will9516: Monterey Wharf
will9516: Bottlebrush Art
will9516: Red Rose Art
will9516: Wildflower Dreams
will9516: Small Town Church
will9516: Reading Headstones
will9516: Watching the Fishes
will9516: Smelling Lipstick Flowers
will9516: Happy Thanksgiving!
will9516: Shafter High School
will9516: Bearded Iris
will9516: BAMBOO
will9516: The Camelia
will9516: Changing Leaves Art