lorien_PL: my private garden
lorien_PL: in a perfect world I would have a garden
lorien_PL: went shopping
lorien_PL: last touch of summer
lorien_PL: purple rain
lorien_PL: in the japanese garden
lorien_PL: furry little somethings
lorien_PL: first
lorien_PL: endless
lorien_PL: long way
lorien_PL: evening light
lorien_PL: being single:)
lorien_PL: a place to live....
lorien_PL: have a bright Easter
lorien_PL: the golden afternoon
lorien_PL: in love
lorien_PL: first of the first
lorien_PL: enchanted spring
lorien_PL: *I love Tokio in the spring time* (or Warsaw, if Tokio is unavailable)
lorien_PL: golden