loridz: 100_1468
loridz: 100_1488
loridz: 100_1485
loridz: 100_1482
loridz: First Look of Spring
loridz: 100_1349
loridz: 100_0412
loridz: 100_4187
loridz: South is the OTHER direction!
loridz: Birds in the Sky
loridz: Concrete Shadow
loridz: Playing with Color.
loridz: Pink at the Game.
loridz: Russian Dictators.
loridz: Grafitti at the Park?
loridz: Why?
loridz: Fall.
loridz: End of the Entrance
loridz: Faucet
loridz: Where it Leads To
loridz: Shadows of Light
loridz: Light
loridz: Thanksgiving Fun
loridz: Pug Print
loridz: IMG_4394
loridz: Staring Death in the Face
loridz: IMG_4396